CNY Cyclocross Cup 2022
2022 CNY Cup Cyclocross Points Series Purpose: Throw down between the best of the best of CNY and Grow the sport of Cyclocross through competition.
08/31/2022 – 11/30/2022

Click here for current standings
2022 Participating Races
- Cross Out Child Abuse – October 2nd
- Salt City Cyclocross (Day 1* & 2) – October 16th
- Dave Panella Memorial – October 23rd
* Due to NYS Championships not all Master’s Categories aligned.
Cyclocross Racing Categories for 2022
- Open Men
- Open Women
- Cat 3/4 Men
- Cat 4 Men
- Cat 5 (Novice)
- Cat 4 Women
- Cat 5 Women (Novice)
- Masters 40+
- Masters 50+
- Masters 60+
- Single Speed Men
- Single Speed Women
- Fat Tire Men
- Fat Bike Women
- Junior Men 9-14
- Junior Men 15 to 18
- Junior Women 9-14
- Junior Women 15-18

Points will be award as follows:
- 1st place: 10 points
- 2nd place: 8 points
- 3rd place: 6 points
- 4th place: 4 points
- 5th place: 3 points
- 6th place: 2 points
- All others will receive 1 point for completing a race

Series Rules
- Awards for the top 3 riders in each category will be awarded (must have at least 5 finishers in the category)
- Riders are responsible for entering the appropriate category and/or age grouping
- A rider may enter multiple categories and earn points in that category.
- Points in a similar category do not count in another (example for CAT 4 Men – Cat 4/5 Men points do not count in the 3/4 Men category)
- Age is based on your USA Cycling age.
- Open Category Races will include all categories Men Cat 1 to Cat 5, Women Cat 1 to Cat 5.
- Masters races will be divided as 40+ 50+ and 60+
- We do not drop your lowest score. There are only 4 races. If you do not participate it counts as a zero for that race.
- You must participate in at least 2 races to be eligible for an award.
Please understand in NO WAY does CNY CUP dictate to a race promoter on how they should run their event. If an event does not have a specific category then there will be no points awarded for that category for the CNY CUP. For example race a does not have a 3/4 men’s race then there will be no points.
Year-end ties will be broken in order as follows:
- Winner of the final race of the series.
- Winner of the most races in head-to-head competition.
- Cumulative total wins for the season in all races
- Head to Head 1 lap race at the final race of the season
- Coin Toss
Results will be updated and posted to and to the CNY Cyclocross Facebook Page.
Since the final results for the CNY CUP will be based on individual results from each of the participating races it is the responsibility of each racer to make sure their results are correct at the end of the 15-minute protest period allowed by USA Cycling.

If the results are finalized and posted these are the results, we will be used to calculate points for the points series