On May 1st, the Hollenbeck’s Annual Road Race returned after a two year hiatus. Riders were treated to the best weather they have seen at this race in a long time (typically it is cold or raining, or both). On this day Pat McNeill, Pat Doner, Ben Rabin, Rob and Dave Tate all took the starting line for the A Race; a two loop, 44mi event. Shortly after the gun went off Dave decided to try and take a long solo break into the first big climb; ultimately he would return to the group on Parker St. He recounts the situation as a “Suicidal early solo attack into a headwind before the first climb.” Moving a yard of mulch the day prior did not fare well for Dave. On this course there are 2 notable climbs, outside of the finish line hill, that riders must complete each lap. Jon later said, “Everything stayed together until the first climb, then the climbers hit the hill very hard.” From someone in that main chase group atop Parker St. Rob would note, “At the top [of Parker St] I sat up a bit waiting for some others to form a 2nd pack which included Ben Rabin. From there it was on and off efforts but nothing significant going up and over the Babcock Wall and into the 2nd loop.” By the time riders reached “The Wall” the first time, there was a main group with some that had fallen off the back forming a good size chase group. The pace was high and Jon was in the lead pack going over the top with Rob, Ben and Dave not far behind as well as both Pats in the chasing group.

Coming around to finish the lap there were some decisive moves that saw all of the groups really break apart. Going up Parker St the second time saw the top two riders gone off the front with Jon chasing in company with a rider from NEPA Velo and Kevan Edawards from Mello Velo Racing. Jon later said, “it was fast. We never let off the gas that entire race. Lots of hammering and hard climbing.” In a chase group behind Jon was Rob in a larger group. You could see that Rob and Lindsey (Cork Monkey Racing) were setting the tone. Rob had tried to break off the front and catch the solo rider ahead of him but just couldn’t make that bridge. Rob relived the moment by saying, “During the 2nd time up Parker Street hill, we dropped a couple from our group leaving around 5 and at the top, [so] I decided to give it a go on my own, which ended up ultimately failing… I sat up and regrouped.” Rabin was not far behind this group of 5 at only 30secs down. Further back was Dave, who was struggling with back issues along and ended up regrouping with Doner and McNeill. Going into the Wall the groups were: two guys up in 1-2 (alone), Jon’s group of 3 (fighting for 3rd place), a few solo riders, Rob’s main chase group, Rabin, and the Tate/Doner/McNeil group. After the second climb (The Wall) the Chimps were spread out throughout the course. Jon ended up on the Wide Angle Podium in 4th overall after losing out in the sprint to the Cat 2 rider from NEPA Velo. Other notable podiums:
Jon – 4th – Men 20-29
Dave – 4th – Men 30-39
Pat M – 5th – Men 30-39
Rob – 4th – Men 40-49
Ben – 4th – Men 50-59
Pat D – 5th – Men 50-59
Pat McNeill summed up the race best by saying: “It was encouraging to see a good turnout for this race which had been low in past years. The hills make the selections…. First race of the year though, can’t complain about a great event!”